
Things About Dog Breed You May Not Have Known

Dogs are considered man’s best friend for a reason. They come in all shapes and sizes, with a variety of temperaments and personalities. There are some things about dog breeds that you may not know however., we will explore some of the lesser known facts about different dog breeds

Not all dog breeds are created equal

Not all dog breeds are create equal some are better for families while others make better guard dogs.

There is a perfect dog breed out there, but it depends on what you want most in your pup. If you’re most concerned with finding the best family pet, picking the right breed shouldn’t be too difficult they’ll become friendly and loyal over time. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a dog that will offer protection or act as an aggressive guard dog, you might be more interested in target dog breed with strong territorial instincts.

Size and weight aren’t the only things that vary among dog breeds

The breed of dog has a major influence on what kind of personality and abilities they possess. For example, Chihuahuas are for being incredibly energetic, spoil little dogs who like to be carry around like little babies.

On the other hand, Great Danes are known for their giant size and the fact that they’re very gentle giants. There’s also a common misconception about dogs with small or large sizes; people tend to think that dogs who are small (i.e. Chihuahuas) aren’t as smart as larger breeds (like great danes) in reality, this is not true.

There are many other examples of different breeds with their own special abilities and characteristics. Collies are known for being the ultimate working dogs; they’re incredibly intelligent and obedient. German shepherds usually make the best guard dogs because they’re suspicious of strangers and very protective over their territory.

Labrador retrievers are the most common type of dog in the United States, they’re a medium-sized breed with a great disposition and a very relaxed nature. They’re also one of the smartest working breeds around. Lastly, beagles have an incredibly strong sense of smell that makes them excellent hunting dogs, but they do require a lot of physical and mental exercise in order to be a good fit for your home.

Dog are breed over time to emphasize certain characteristics

Dog breeds have many differences, but their genetics are pretty much the same. Dogs have been selectively bred over time to emphasize certain features that were important to humans for a variety of purposes. Humans wanted dogs that could do specific things, so they bred dogs with traits that would be useful in those tasks. For instance, early on in the domestication of dogs, humans started to breed large wolf-like dogs to help them hunt. Over time those more aggressive, faster and larger hunting dogs were used as the basis for all other breeds as each was evolve further from the original dog. In some cases, this process of selective breeding was continue until a dog that had many desire characteristics came into existence, and in other cases any dogs that didn’t fit the breed standard were separate out by mating only those that meet the standards.

The same methods of selective breed were used in many different areas to create many types of dogs that different in size, speed, athleticism, hunting ability etc. which would be useful for certain purposes. So it’s not just a few of the most common large breeds that have been selectively bred, but all breeds.

4. There are many different types of dog coats, each with their own set of benefits

There are many different types of dog coats, each with their own set of benefits. Some dogs may need a coat during the winter to avoid getting sick from exposure, while others simply need a special style of coat to protect them from the sun or water. Understanding the individual needs of your pet will help you choose which type of coat is right for them.

Generally, a good rule to follow when choosing a coat is that if it would be too hot for you, then it’s probably going to be too hot for your dog. If the weather where you live is rarely or never cold, but your pet still needs protection from the sun, a large, floppy hat and plenty of sunscreen would be the way to go. If you live in an area with very cold temperatures, but your dog doesn’t seem affected by the cold, then they don’t need a coat. However, if your dog can’t walk for very long outside without getting tired because the weather is too cold or windy, a coat or sweater may be the best choice.

5. Dogs come in a variety of colors

There are several theories that relate to the preference for lighter colors when it comes to canine pets. Some belief that light-colored dogs are more comfortable to have around for their owners, as they are more likely to match the stereotype of “dog” that people associate with – loyal, loving and friendly. This can be trace back to the early 19th century when dogs were expect to function as uncomfortable possessions. People wanted animals that looked nice in their homes, so they could flaunt how successful they were. A preference for lighter-colored dogs is also claime to be the result of the fact that people are more likely to notice darker colored animals in their home environment, which can make them feel slightly uncomfortable.

People are taught from a young age not to approach or touch animals that have dark fur. Reports show that people often avoid animals that are brown or black, animals that are usually larger than the average pet. This is known as ‘the avoidance of forbidden foods’ in psychology.

The light coloration of white dogs also has to do with the fact that humans prefer things (including pets) to be familiar to them. When people look at something like a dog, they want it to remind them of themselves; having dogs that are similar in color (or simply stronger similarity) can provide this effect.

Some common health problems that can occur in certain dog breeds

Inbreeding depression is a loss in genetic diversity. In some cases, this can result from too much inbreeding over a period of time, while others have a severe lack of genetic diversity due to a population bottleneck.

In “pure” breeds, the tendency to preserve all of their dogs’ genetics makes them more susceptible to health problems because harmful genes are not weed out of the gene pool. In a breed with a wide gene pool, harmful genes have a small chance of being pass on to another generation, but this is less likely to happen in breeds with a narrow gene pool.

In these breeds, their genetic diversity can be so low that problems arise which are not common or even present in other breeds. In some cases, this may come from a founder effect where a certain gene pool is drastically reduce and then passed on throughout later generations (such as with the Dalmatian and white coat color).